
Episode 1: In the Beginning | New Zealand's Te Araroa Trail NoBo

Jeff and Sarah begin their first thru-hike in Aotearoa, a journey that they have dreamt about for years. With no gradual introduction to Te Araroa, they hiked along the coast, road, and even asked a stranger for water. They will never think of "long walks on the beach" in the same way again. While it can be a lovely stroll during low-tide, beach walking is more brutal than it appears after several miles and during high-tide. Check out the links below for more info, enjoy! More technical videos for future TA hikers will be coming out, stay tuned!

Number of trail days: 4

Start: Bluff, NZ

End: Car park at Long Hilly Track

Spreadsheet of our schedule including distances:

Hiking stats for nerds

Blog article here: https://www.adventuresofjeffandsarah....

Song Credits:

You Drive - Royal Blue

Sundowner - This War is Noise

Bill Withers - Lovely Day

Frightened Rabbit - Holy

Blind Melon - No Rain

Waxahachie - Fire

Disclaimer: we tried our best to pronounce names and places as accurate as possible. Alas, we are Americans and have our shortfalls. If we mispronounced anything incorrectly or got our facts wrong, please feel free to kindly let us know by sending us an email at adventuresofjeffandsarah@gmail.com, and we will do our best to fix it. Thank you!


Episode 2: Baptism by Mud | New Zealand's Te Araroa Trail NoBo


Thru-Hike Prep Workout Montage