
Episode 3: How Many Mountains Do We Have Today? | New Zealand's Te Araroa Trail NoBo

Jeff and Sarah start to feel more like Te Araroa hikers after they survived the maw of the Longwoods and rainy Takitimus. They cruise through the Mavora Lakes and meet an incredible family, take some time off in Queenstown (though it is not quite as restful as they hoped), checkout a golf tournament (New Zealand Open), march upstream of the Arrow River, and conquer the Motutapu Mountains that seem to be on repeat.

Check out the links below for more info, enjoy! More technical videos for future TA hikers will be coming out, stay tuned!

Number of trail days: 8

Start: Mavora Lakes

End: Wanaka, NZ

Spreadsheet of our schedule including distances:

Hiking stats or nerds

Blog article here: TBA

Song Credits:

Camera Obscura - Lets Get Out of This Country

Sundowner - 100 Resolutions

The Toadies - Someone Great (Cover)

Jungle - Casio

Disclaimer: we tried our best to pronounce names and places as accurate as possible. Alas, we are Americans and have our shortfalls. If we mispronounced anything incorrectly or got our facts wrong, please feel free to kindly let us know by sending us an email at adventuresofjeffandsarah@gmail.com, and we will do our best to fix it. Thank you!


Part 9: Oktoberfest and Castles | Jeff and Sarah head to Munich for Oktoberfest and to see the sites


Episode 2: Baptism by Mud | New Zealand's Te Araroa Trail NoBo