After the Embers Have Faded: Closing Thoughts | Te Araroa NoBo
Jeff and Sarah take a look back at the trail while it is fresh on their minds.
In the Beginning: Bluff to Riverton | Te Araroa NoBo Part 1
Jeff and Sarah start the Te Araroa trail with a bang! Well, more like a pop. Regardless, they did start the hike. There are pictures and videos to prove it.

Physical Fitness
How to prepare physically for a thru-hike. Jeff and Sarah spend 7 weeks in the US sweating and pumping iron in an attempt to make Te Araroa a little more doable.

Where Are We??
One stop shop for your South Island Te Araroa NoBo mapping needs. Including: overall map, daily GPX files, resupply points, and a table breakdown of each day.

The Long Path Ahead
Sarah and Jeff are at the midpoint of their sabbatical and will soon leave the U.S. and head to New Zealand for Te Araroa. They have closed an exciting chapter after being in Europe for the fall and since being back have spent time with loved ones and catching up on adulting. As they're preparing for the next chapter abroad, a spectrum of emotions arise as well as obvious excitement for tramping (hiking for kiwis) throughout South Island.